

We pay great
attention to our
And even more
to our people.



Since our inception, our focus has been on nurturing and developing our employees by fostering a culture of permanent learning and growth. We organise a 21-day training program  that includes both theory and practical work. It is conducted by expert mentors in our dedicated training facility “Gurukul”. Trainees also see real-life pictures of the process and are shown on-the job demonstrations to gain a better understanding.

Work hard, play harder!

We foster a culture of fun for our employees through a range of activities, from celebrating festivals to hosting talent shows. All these activities are conducive to maintaining a positive mind to ensure their mental health.

Employee engagement

Inside and outside, we
are committed to you

Inside and outside, we are committed to you

Besides providing an ethical work environment, we also provide them with care and support, like highly subsidised meals, daily transportation and medical assistance, as well as a supervised crèche for employees who do not have access to babysitting services at home.

We define